How To Cancel Chefs Plate? A Step-by-Step Guide!

How To Cancel Chefs Plate? Are you feeling like it’s time to explore new culinary adventures or simply take a break from your Chefs Plate subscription? If you’ve found yourself here, you’re likely searching for answers on how to cancel Chefs Plate. Well, you’re in the right place! Whether you’ve decided to explore other meal kit options or just need a temporary pause, canceling Chefs Plate can be a breeze if you follow the right steps. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process step by step, ensuring that your Chefs Plate cancellation is seamless and hassle-free.

How To Cancel Chefs Plate

Attention-grabbing, right? Chefs Plate has been a reliable source of delicious recipes and high-quality ingredients delivered to your doorstep. But, as life changes, so do our needs and preferences. Perhaps you’ve decided to explore other culinary horizons, or maybe your schedule is getting a bit too hectic for meal kit deliveries. Whatever the reason, understanding how to cancel Chefs Plate is essential to maintain control over your subscription and expenses.

In this article, we won’t just tell you how to cancel Chefs Plate; we’ll also provide valuable insights into the process, ensuring you have all the information you need at your fingertips. From what to expect during cancellation to possible alternatives, we’ve got you covered. So, if you’re ready to take the next step and regain control over your meal planning, read on to discover the easiest way to cancel Chefs Plate and explore new culinary adventures. Let’s dive in!

How to Cancel Your Chefs Plate Subscription Online?

Chefs Plate is a convenient meal kit delivery service, but if you’ve decided to cancel your subscription for any reason, this step-by-step guide will help you do it online. We’ll walk you through the process, providing examples and essential tips to ensure a smooth cancellation experience.

Step 1: Log In to Your Chefs Plate Account

Before you can cancel your Chefs Plate subscription, you need to log in to your account on their website. This typically requires your email address and password. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it using the “Forgot Password” link provided.

Step 2: Navigate to Account Settings

Once you’re logged in, navigate to your account settings. Look for an icon or link that represents your account or profile. It’s usually located in the upper right-hand corner of the webpage, and it may be labeled as “Account,” “Profile,” or your name.

Step 3: Deactivate Your Plan

Within your account settings, you should find an option related to your subscription or plan. Click on this option to access further details about your Chefs Plate subscription. Look for the “Deactivate Your Plan” or “Cancel Subscription” link or button. Click on it to proceed.

Step 4: Confirm the Cancellation

After clicking the “Deactivate Your Plan” or “Cancel Subscription” option, you will likely be prompted to confirm your decision. This is an important step to prevent accidental cancellations. You may encounter a message like “Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?” Make sure to review your decision and proceed only if you’re certain.

Step 5: Provide a Reason for Cancellation

Once you confirm your intent to cancel, you may be asked to provide a reason for your cancellation. This information helps Chefs Plate understand why customers are leaving their service, and it can also be used to improve their offerings. Be honest and select the most relevant reason from the provided options or write a brief explanation in a text box if available.

Step 6: Deactivate Now

After indicating your reason for cancellation, look for a button or option that says “Deactivate Now” or a similar phrase. Click on it to finalize your cancellation request. This action confirms your decision, and your subscription will be canceled.

Important Tips:

  • Review Subscription Terms: Before canceling, review the terms of your subscription, such as any cancellation fees or the notice period required.
  • Check for Pending Deliveries: Ensure that you don’t have any pending deliveries or charges on your account before canceling.
  • Save Recipes: If you’ve enjoyed Chefs Plate recipes, consider saving your favorite ones or taking note of them before canceling. You might want to recreate them in the future.
  • Contact Customer Support: If you encounter any issues or have questions during the cancellation process, don’t hesitate to contact Chefs Plate’s customer support for assistance.

Example Scenario:

Imagine you have been a Chefs Plate subscriber for a while, but you’ve decided to cancel your subscription. You log in to your Chefs Plate account, navigate to your account settings, click on “Deactivate Your Plan,” confirm your cancellation decision, select “I’m moving to a different meal kit service” as your reason, and then click “Deactivate Now.” Your subscription is successfully canceled, and you receive a confirmation email.

In conclusion, canceling your Chefs Plate subscription online is a straightforward process. By following these steps and keeping the important tips in mind, you can efficiently cancel your subscription when needed.

How to Cancel Chefs Plate Subscription via Phone Call?

If you’ve decided to cancel your Chefs Plate subscription and prefer speaking to a customer service representative over the phone, you’ve come to the right place. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of canceling your Chefs Plate subscription through a phone call. We’ll provide you with tips and additional information to make the cancellation process as smooth as possible.

Step 1: Gather Your Account Information

Before you make the call to Chefs Plate, it’s essential to have your account information ready. This includes your Chefs Plate username or email address associated with your account and any other relevant details, such as your subscription plan type or billing information. Having this information readily available will help expedite the cancellation process.

Example: You might say, “My Chefs Plate account is under the email address [email protected], and I am on the Family Plan.”

Step 2: Dial Chefs Plate Customer Service

To cancel your Chefs Plate subscription via phone, dial 1 (855) 420-2327. This number will connect you with Chefs Plate customer service.

Step 3: Speak with a Customer Service Representative

Once your call is connected, you will be greeted by a customer service representative. Politely inform them that you wish to cancel your Chefs Plate subscription. Be prepared to provide the account information you gathered in Step 1.

Example: “Hello, I would like to cancel my Chefs Plate subscription. My account is under the email address [email protected], and I am on the Family Plan.”

Step 4: Confirm Cancellation Details

The customer service representative will ask you to confirm some details for security purposes. This may include verifying your account information, subscription plan, and billing information. Be patient and provide accurate information to facilitate the cancellation.

Tip: Stay calm and polite during the call. Customer service representatives are there to assist you, and being courteous will make the process smoother.

Step 5: Request a Confirmation Email

After confirming your cancellation, ask the representative to send you a confirmation email. This email will serve as proof that you’ve canceled your Chefs Plate subscription.

Example: “Could you please send me a confirmation email stating that my Chefs Plate subscription has been canceled?”

Step 6: Verify the Confirmation Email

Once you receive the confirmation email, review it carefully to ensure that all the details are accurate. This email is crucial, as it serves as evidence of your subscription cancellation.

Additional Tips:

  • Be aware of your billing cycle: Chefs Plate may have specific billing cycles, and canceling mid-cycle may still result in charges for the current month. Confirm with the customer service representative when your subscription will officially end.
  • Save the cancellation confirmation email: Keep a copy of the email in a safe place, as you may need it for reference in the future.
  • Be prepared for retention offers: Sometimes, companies offer special deals or incentives to persuade you to stay. If you’re determined to cancel, politely decline any offers that may come your way.
  • Check your bank statements: After canceling your subscription, monitor your bank statements to ensure that you are not charged for any additional months.

Canceling your Chefs Plate subscription via a phone call is a straightforward process. By following this step-by-step guide, you can efficiently navigate through the cancellation procedure while being well-prepared with the necessary information. Remember to stay polite, request a confirmation email, and keep an eye on your statements to ensure a smooth cancellation experience.

How to Cancel Chefs Plate Subscription via Email?

Canceling a subscription can be a hassle-free process, even if you prefer not to call customer care agents. Chefs Plate offers the option to cancel your subscription through email. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of canceling your Chefs Plate subscription via email, providing examples and important tips to make the process smoother.

Step 1: Compose an Email

The first step in canceling your Chefs Plate subscription via email is to compose a clear and concise email. Here’s what you should include:

  • Subject Line: Make it straightforward. For example, “Cancellation of Chefs Plate Subscription Request.”
  • Recipient’s Email: Send your email to [email protected].
  • Your Information: In the body of the email, provide your full name, registered email address, and any other relevant account details.
  • Request for Cancellation: Clearly state that you want to cancel your Chefs Plate subscription. Be polite but firm in your request.


Subject: Cancellation of Chefs Plate Subscription Request

Dear Chefs Plate Team,

I am writing to request the cancellation of my Chefs Plate subscription. My name is [Your Name], and my registered email address is [Your Email Address]. I would like to terminate my subscription effective immediately.

Thank you for your assistance.

[Your Name]

Step 2: Include Account Details

To ensure a smooth cancellation process, provide as much account information as possible. This may include your customer ID, order number, or any other details that can help them identify your account quickly.


Account Details:
- Customer ID: [Your Customer ID]
- Order Number (if applicable): [Your Order Number]

Step 3: Specify Cancellation Date

If you have a specific date in mind for when you want your Chefs Plate subscription to be canceled, make sure to mention it in your email. Otherwise, state that you want the cancellation to take effect immediately.


I would like my Chefs Plate subscription to be canceled effective [Specify Date] or immediately if possible.

Step 4: Request Confirmation

Politely ask for a confirmation of your cancellation request. This will help ensure that your request is processed and documented correctly.


Please confirm the cancellation of my Chefs Plate subscription via email or provide me with a reference number for my records.

Step 5: Review and Send

Before sending your email, double-check for any errors or missing information. It’s essential to have a well-structured and complete email to expedite the cancellation process.

Important Tips:

  • Be Polite: Maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout your email, even if you’re unhappy with the service. It can lead to a more positive interaction.
  • Keep Records: Save a copy of the email and any responses you receive for your records. This can be useful in case of any issues or disputes.
  • Follow Up: If you don’t receive a confirmation within a reasonable time frame, consider following up with a polite reminder email.
  • Check for Refunds: If you’re owed any refunds, inquire about them in your cancellation email. Make sure to include your payment details if needed.

In conclusion, canceling your Chefs Plate subscription via email is a straightforward process that can be accomplished with a well-composed email. By following these steps and tips, you can effectively communicate your request and ensure a smooth cancellation experience.

How to Cancel Chefs Plate Using Live Chat?

If you’ve decided to cancel your Chefs Plate subscription and want a quick and convenient way to do it, using the Live Chat option on their website can be a great choice. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of canceling your Chefs Plate subscription using Live Chat. We’ll also provide important tips and additional information to make the process smooth and hassle-free.

Step 1: Log In to Chefs Plate

To begin the cancellation process, you’ll need to log in to your Chefs Plate account. Visit the Chefs Plate website ( and enter your login credentials (email address and password). Make sure you’re using the correct login information to access your account.

Step 2: Locate the Live Chat Option

Once you’ve successfully logged in, navigate to the Chefs Plate website’s homepage. Look for the Live Chat option, which is typically located in the bottom right corner of the screen. It may be represented by a chat bubble icon or text that says “Live Chat.”

Example: Here’s what the Live Chat option may look like on the Chefs Plate website:

Step 3: Initiate the Live Chat

Click on the Live Chat option to start a conversation with a Chefs Plate customer service representative. This is where you will inform them of your intention to cancel your subscription.

Important Tip: Be prepared to provide your account details, such as your full name, email address, and any other information they may require for verification purposes. This step ensures that only authorized users can cancel their subscriptions.

Step 4: Request Subscription Cancellation

Once you’re connected with a customer service representative via Live Chat, politely explain that you want to cancel your Chefs Plate subscription. They may ask you some questions to verify your identity, such as confirming your email address or other account-related details.

Example: You can say something like, “Hello, I would like to cancel my Chefs Plate subscription. My email address associated with the account is [your email address].”

Step 5: Verify Your Identity

In some cases, Chefs Plate may send a verification link or code to your registered email address. You’ll need to access your email and follow the provided instructions to confirm your identity. This step helps prevent unauthorized cancellations.

Step 6: Confirmation of Cancellation

Once your identity is verified and your cancellation request is processed, the customer service representative will provide you with confirmation of the cancellation. They may also inform you about any remaining credits or meal kits in your account.

Additional Information:

  • It’s important to note that Chefs Plate may have specific policies regarding subscription cancellations, such as cancellation deadlines and refund policies. Be sure to inquire about any relevant details during your Live Chat conversation.
  • If you encounter any difficulties during the Live Chat process, don’t hesitate to ask the customer service representative for assistance. They are there to help you through the cancellation process.
  • Make sure to check your email after the Live Chat session for any confirmation or follow-up messages from Chefs Plate.

Canceling your Chefs Plate subscription using Live Chat is a quick and efficient process. By following these step-by-step instructions and adhering to the provided tips, you can successfully cancel your subscription and receive confirmation of the cancellation. If you have any further questions or concerns, the customer service representative on Live Chat will be there to assist you.

FAQs About How To Cancel Chefs Plate?

1. How do I cancel my Chefs Plate subscription?

You can cancel your Chefs Plate subscription online or over the phone. Here’s how:

  • Online Method: Log in to your Chefs Plate account and navigate to the cancellation section. Follow the provided steps to cancel your subscription. Make sure to review any cancellation policies or terms.
  • Phone Method: Call Chefs Plate customer service at 1-833-608-0883 and request cancellation. Follow the instructions provided by their customer service representative.

Important Tips:

  • When canceling online, ensure you read any terms and conditions related to cancellations.
  • If you choose the phone method, have your account information ready for a smoother process.

Example: If you want to cancel your Chefs Plate subscription, you can follow the steps outlined in this YouTube video.

2. How do I contact Chefs Plate customer service?

You can contact Chefs Plate customer service in two ways:

  • Live Chat: Visit the Chefs Plate website and click on the chat icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. You can chat with one of their agents directly.
  • Phone: Call Chefs Plate customer service at 1-833-608-0883 for assistance.

Important Tips:

  • If you don’t see the chat button, make sure your ad blocker is turned off to access the Live Chat option.
  • Be prepared with your questions or concerns when contacting customer service for efficient assistance.

3. Can you skip weeks with Chefs Plate?

Yes, you have the flexibility to skip weeks with Chefs Plate. You are not tied into a fixed schedule, and you can pause or skip a week whenever you need to.

Important Tips:

  • Make sure to log in to your Chefs Plate account to manage your delivery schedule.
  • Skipping a week can be useful when you’re on vacation or have other commitments.

4. How long do Chefs Plate meals last?

The freshness of Chefs Plate meals varies depending on the type of dish:

  • Fish and seafood recipes generally have a “best before” date on the nutrition label and are recommended to be cooked first.
  • Meat and vegetarian dishes can be enjoyed for 4 to 5 days after delivery.

Important Tips:

  • Always check the “best before” date on the nutrition label for specific guidance.
  • Properly store your Chefs Plate meals in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.

Example: You’ll find the “best before” dates on the nutrition label of your Chefs Plate food box, ensuring you can enjoy your meals at their freshest.