How To Cancel Game Informer? A Step-by-Step Guide!

How To Cancel Game Informer? Are you looking to cancel Game Informer and wondering how to navigate the process smoothly? If you’ve found yourself here, you’re not alone. Game Informer, with its in-depth game reviews, exclusive previews, and industry insights, has long been a trusted source for avid gamers. But, whether it’s a change in your gaming interests or simply a desire to explore other options, cancelling your Game Informer subscription can be a straightforward process when you have the right guidance.

How To Cancel Game Informer

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to cancel Game Informer, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Our aim is to provide you with all the information you need, from understanding why you might want to cancel Game Informer to the exact steps involved in the cancellation process. So, if you’ve been searching for answers on Game Informer cancellation, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive into the details and help you take control of your subscription.

How to Cancel Game Informer Magazine Subscription Over the Phone?

Canceling a Game Informer Magazine subscription over the phone is a straightforward and convenient process. If you’ve decided to stop receiving the magazine and want to save time by canceling it via a phone call, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, providing helpful tips and examples along the way.

Step 1: Gather Your Information

Before you make the call, gather all the necessary information, including your Game Informer Magazine subscription details. This may include your account number, full name, mailing address, and the reason for canceling your subscription.

Step 2: Locate the Customer Support Number

The Game Informer Magazine customer support number for cancelations is (800) 883 8895. Make sure you have a working phone and good reception to ensure a smooth conversation.

Step 3: Make the Phone Call

Dial the provided number, (800) 883 8895, on your phone. Wait patiently for a customer support representative to answer your call. This may take a few minutes, so be prepared to wait on hold briefly.

Step 4: Speak with the Customer Support Representative

Once connected, a customer support executive will answer your call. Be polite and concise when explaining your reason for canceling your Game Informer Magazine subscription. Here’s an example of what you could say:

“Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I would like to cancel my Game Informer Magazine subscription. My account number is [Your Account Number], and my mailing address is [Your Mailing Address]. I’ve decided to discontinue my subscription due to [Provide a brief reason, such as financial constraints or lack of interest]. Can you please assist me with this?”

Step 5: Provide Necessary Information

The customer support representative will likely ask you to verify your account information and may inquire about the reason for your cancellation. Be prepared to provide this information accurately to expedite the process.

Step 6: Request Confirmation

Once your request has been processed, politely ask the representative to send you a confirmation message of the successful cancellation of your Game Informer Magazine subscription. Having written confirmation can be helpful for your records and peace of mind.

Step 7: Verify the Cancellation

After ending the call, keep an eye on your email or mailbox for the confirmation message from Game Informer Magazine. This should confirm the successful cancellation of your subscription.

Important Tips:

  • Be polite and patient throughout the call. The customer support representative is there to assist you.
  • Double-check your account information before making the call to ensure accuracy.
  • If you encounter any issues or have concerns during the process, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification or assistance.
  • Keep the confirmation message in a safe place for future reference.

Canceling your Game Informer Magazine subscription over the phone is a convenient and straightforward process. By following these steps and tips, you can efficiently cancel your subscription and stop receiving the magazine. Remember to be polite and patient during the call, and don’t forget to request a confirmation of your cancellation for your peace of mind.

How to Cancel Game Informer Magazine Subscription via Email?

Canceling your Game Informer magazine subscription via email is a convenient alternative to making a phone call to their customer support. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of sending an email to Game Informer’s customer service to request the cancellation of your subscription. We will provide examples, important tips, and additional information to help you successfully complete the process.

Step 1: Compose the Email

Start by opening your email client or webmail service. Compose a new email, and in the recipient field, enter Game Informer’s official customer support email address: [email protected].

Step 2: Subject Line

The subject line is crucial because it immediately conveys the purpose of your email. Use a clear and concise subject line like “Cancellation of Game Informer Magazine Subscription Request.”

Step 3: Salutation

Begin your email with a polite salutation, such as “Dear Game Informer Customer Support Team” or “To Whom It May Concern.”

Step 4: Request for Subscription Cancellation

In the opening paragraph, clearly state your intention to cancel your Game Informer magazine subscription. Be polite and straightforward. Here’s an example:


I am writing to request the cancellation of my Game Informer magazine subscription.

Step 5: Provide Subscription Details

In the following paragraphs, provide all necessary details related to your subscription. Include information such as your full name, mailing address, email address, and account number (if available). This will help Game Informer’s customer support team identify your subscription quickly and process your request. Here’s an example:


My name is [Your Full Name], and my Game Informer magazine subscription is under the following details:
- Full Name: [Your Full Name]
- Mailing Address: [Your Mailing Address]
- Email Address: [Your Email Address]
- Account Number (if available): [Account Number]

Step 6: Request Confirmation

Politely request confirmation of your subscription cancellation and inquire about any additional steps or information they may require from you.


I kindly request confirmation of the cancellation of my subscription and any further instructions or information you may need from me to process this request.

Step 7: Sign-off

Conclude your email with a polite sign-off, such as “Sincerely” or “Best Regards,” followed by your full name.


[Your Full Name]

Step 8: Review and Send

Before hitting the “Send” button, carefully review your email to ensure that all the information is accurate and that your request is clear and polite.

Important Tips:

  • Use a professional and polite tone throughout your email.
  • Include all relevant subscription details to expedite the cancellation process.
  • Check your email for any response from Game Informer’s customer support team and follow any instructions they provide.
  • Be patient, as it may take some time for Game Informer to process your cancellation request.

By following these steps and tips, you can successfully cancel your Game Informer magazine subscription via email. Remember to retain any confirmation or correspondence you receive from Game Informer for your records.

How To Cancel Game Informer Magazine Subscription By Post?

Canceling your Game Informer magazine subscription by post is a straightforward process. Whether you’re looking to discontinue your subscription due to changing interests or for any other reason, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Sending a physical letter may seem old-fashioned, but it’s a reliable method to ensure your cancellation request is received and processed.

Important Tips Before You Begin:

  • Be sure to read your Game Informer subscription contract to understand any terms and conditions regarding cancellations, refund policies, and notice periods.
  • Collect all necessary information about your subscription, including your account number, full name, and mailing address.
  • Use certified mail or a delivery service with tracking to ensure your letter is received and to have proof of postage.
  • Keep a copy of your cancellation letter for your records.

Step 1: Gather Required Information

Before you start writing your cancellation letter, make sure you have all the necessary information at hand. This typically includes:

  • Your full name as it appears on the subscription.
  • Your mailing address.
  • Your Game Informer account number (if available).
  • The date of your last received issue (if applicable).
  • Any other relevant subscription details.

Step 2: Compose Your Cancellation Letter

Write a formal and concise letter requesting the cancellation of your Game Informer magazine subscription. Here’s a sample template:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email Address (optional)]

Game Informer Customer Support
[Game Informer Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Game Informer Customer Support,

I am writing to request the cancellation of my Game Informer magazine subscription. Please find the relevant details of my subscription below:

  • Full Name: [Your Full Name]
  • Mailing Address: [Your Mailing Address]
  • Account Number (if available): [Your Account Number]
  • Date of Last Received Issue (if applicable): [Last Received Date]

I kindly request that you terminate my subscription effective immediately. I understand and acknowledge any applicable terms and conditions regarding cancellations.

Please confirm in writing that my subscription has been canceled and provide any further instructions, if necessary.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Signature (if mailing a physical letter)]

Step 3: Send Your Letter

Place your cancellation letter in an envelope and address it to Game Informer Customer Support at the provided address. Use certified mail or a delivery service with tracking to ensure your letter is delivered safely.

Step 4: Keep Records

Make a copy of your cancellation letter and any proof of postage or tracking information for your records. This documentation will be essential if there are any issues with your cancellation request in the future.

Step 5: Wait for Confirmation

Once Game Informer receives your cancellation request, they should confirm your subscription cancellation in writing or via email. Be patient and wait for this confirmation.

Additional Tips:

  • Follow up with Game Informer if you don’t receive confirmation within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Monitor your bank or credit card statements to ensure that subscription charges cease after the cancellation is confirmed.
  • If you encounter any difficulties or have questions about the cancellation process, don’t hesitate to contact Game Informer’s customer support for assistance.

In conclusion, canceling your Game Informer magazine subscription by post is a simple process if you follow these steps and keep essential tips in mind. By providing all necessary information and using a formal letter, you can ensure a smooth cancellation experience.

How to Cancel Game Informer Magazine Subscription on the Website?

If you’ve decided to cancel your Game Informer magazine subscription and prefer an online method, you can do so easily through their official website. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process to ensure a hassle-free cancellation.

Step 1: Access the Game Informer Website

To start the cancellation process, you need to visit the official Game Informer website. Open your preferred web browser and enter “” in the address bar. Press Enter to access the website.

Step 2: Navigate to Magazine Options

Once you’re on the Game Informer website, look for the three horizontal lines typically located on the upper right-hand corner of the screen. These lines often indicate a menu or navigation icon. Click on these lines to expand the menu.

Step 3: Select the Magazine Option

Within the expanded menu, you’ll see various options. Look for the one labeled “Magazine” and click on it. It may be represented by a magazine icon or simply the word “Magazine.”

Step 4: Choose “Help/Customer Service”

After clicking on “Magazine,” you’ll be directed to a new page related to the magazine subscription. Look for a drop-down menu, often indicated by a small arrow icon. Click on it to expand the options. From the drop-down menu, select the “Help/Customer Service” option.

Step 5: Find the “Unsubscribe” Link

Scroll down the page until you reach the section titled “Other Questions.” Within this section, you should find a link labeled “Unsubscribe.” Click on this link to proceed with the cancellation.

Step 6: Provide Your Email Address

A pop-up or a new page will appear, prompting you to enter your email address. Make sure to use the email address that is linked to your current Game Informer subscription. This step is crucial to verify your identity and subscription details.

Step 7: Confirm Cancellation

Once you’ve entered your email address, look for a button or option that says “Unsubscribe” or “Cancel Subscription.” Click on it to confirm your cancellation request. At this point, your request will be forwarded to Game Informer’s customer support team.

Step 8: Await Confirmation

Game Informer’s customer support will process your cancellation request. You should receive an email confirmation shortly after, confirming the termination of your subscription. Keep an eye on your email inbox, including your spam or junk folders, in case the confirmation email ends up there.

Important Tips:

  • Make sure to double-check the email address you enter during the cancellation process to avoid any issues with verification.
  • Be patient and allow some time for Game Informer’s customer support to process your cancellation request and send you confirmation.
  • Review your email inbox for the confirmation email, and save it for your records.
  • If you have any pending issues or questions about the cancellation process, you can reach out to Game Informer’s customer support for assistance.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to cancel your Game Informer magazine subscription on their website efficiently and effectively.

FAQs about How To Cancel Game Informer?

1. How do I cancel my Game Informer magazine subscription?

To cancel your Game Informer magazine subscription, you can either call Customer Service at 800-883-8895, Monday-Friday from 8am to 4pm CST, or email them at [email protected]. Be sure to have your subscription details ready when you contact them.

Example: “I want to cancel my Game Informer subscription. Should I call or email, and what information do I need to provide?”

2. How can I access my Game Informer subscription online?

To access your Game Informer subscription online, you need to log in to your account through a web browser. Once logged in, visit your Subscription Management page to verify that your subscription is connected. If it’s not connected, you will be prompted to activate your account.

If you prefer using the mobile app, open it on your mobile device and log in to access your subscription.

Example: “I have a Game Informer subscription, but I’m not sure how to access it online. Can you guide me through the steps?”

3. How can I contact Game Informer magazine for inquiries or assistance?

You can contact Game Informer magazine by calling their customer service hotline at 1-800-883-8895. Alternatively, you can use the contact form on their website to submit your inquiries or requests.

Example: “I have some questions about my Game Informer subscription. What’s the best way to get in touch with their customer support?”

4. Is Game Informer owned by GameStop?

Yes, Game Informer magazine is owned and published by GameStop. It originally started as an in-house newsletter by video game retailer FuncoLand in August 1991, but GameStop acquired FuncoLand in 2000, making Game Informer their publication.

Example: “I heard that Game Informer is connected to GameStop. Can you provide more information about their history and ownership?”

Important Tips:

  • When canceling your Game Informer subscription, it’s advisable to have your subscription details, such as your account number or billing information, on hand to expedite the process.
  • When contacting Game Informer for assistance, make sure to specify the nature of your inquiry or issue clearly to receive relevant support.
  • If you experience any technical difficulties with accessing your online subscription, you can reach out to their customer service for troubleshooting assistance.
  • Game Informer’s ownership history is rooted in the acquisition of FuncoLand by GameStop, leading to its current ownership and publication by GameStop.