How To Cancel Keeps Subscription? A Step-by-Step Guide!

How To Cancel Keeps Subscription? Are you one of the many individuals looking to bid farewell to your Keeps Subscription but unsure of the steps involved? You’ve come to the right place! In a world where convenience is key, managing your subscriptions shouldn’t be a headache. Whether it’s a change in your skincare routine or simply seeking to explore new options, canceling your Keeps Subscription can be a breeze if you know the ropes.

How To Cancel Keeps Subscription

Keeping up with subscriptions can sometimes feel like juggling too many balls at once, and that’s where we come in. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of canceling your Keeps Subscription in the easiest and most hassle-free way possible. You’ll gain valuable insights into why people decide to cancel, how to ensure you’re making the right choice, and the step-by-step instructions to successfully complete the cancellation process. We’ll demystify the intricacies so you can regain control of your subscription landscape effortlessly.

Imagine the freedom of having one less commitment on your plate, without the stress of lengthy phone calls or navigating complicated menus. With our expert guidance, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to initiate your Keeps Subscription cancellation smoothly, making room for a refreshed skincare routine or exploring alternative options that better suit your needs. Say goodbye to unwanted charges and hello to a more manageable subscription journey.

Ready to take the first step towards canceling your Keeps Subscription? Continue reading to discover the straightforward process and expert tips to make your subscription cancellation experience a breeze. Let’s get started on this journey towards subscription freedom!

How to Cancel Keeps Subscription Over The Phone?

Canceling your Keeps subscription over the phone is a straightforward process that allows you to speak directly with a customer support representative. This guide will walk you through the steps involved in canceling your Keeps subscription via phone, including important tips and additional information.

Step 1: Gather Information

Before making the phone call, gather all the necessary information related to your Keeps subscription. This includes your account details, subscription ID, and any other relevant information the customer support representative may require. Having this information on hand will help expedite the cancellation process.

Step 2: Call Keeps Customer Support

To initiate the cancellation process, dial the Keeps customer support number: 833-745-3377 on your phone. Ensure that you are making the call during the customer service hours, which are from 10 am to 6 pm ET, Monday to Friday. Note that customer service is not available on federal holidays, so plan your call accordingly.

Step 3: Speak with a Customer Support Representative

Once you have connected to a customer support representative, politely explain that you wish to cancel your Keeps subscription. You will be required to provide a suitable reason for your cancellation. Be honest and concise in explaining your reasons, as this information may help them improve their service in the future.

Step 4: Provide Subscription Details

The customer support agent will likely request specific details related to your subscription. This may include your name, email address, subscription ID, and any other relevant information. Be prepared to provide these details accurately to facilitate the cancellation process.

Step 5: Confirm Cancellation

After providing the necessary information, the customer support representative will process the cancellation of your Keeps subscription. Make sure to ask for confirmation of the cancellation and inquire about any follow-up steps or actions required on your part.

Step 6: Verify Cancellation

Once you have received confirmation of the cancellation, double-check your account or billing statement to ensure that the subscription has been successfully terminated. This step is crucial to ensure that you are no longer charged for the service.

Important Tips:

  • Be Polite and Patient: When speaking with the customer support representative, remain polite and patient throughout the process. This will make the interaction smoother and more pleasant for both parties.
  • Take Note of Confirmation: Always write down or take a screenshot of the cancellation confirmation for your records. This documentation can be valuable in case any billing issues arise in the future.
  • Plan Ahead: Be mindful of the customer service hours and holidays when scheduling your cancellation call. This will help you avoid any unnecessary delays in the process.
  • Review Billing Statements: After cancellation, regularly check your billing statements to ensure that you are no longer being charged for the Keeps subscription.

By following these steps and tips, you can easily cancel your Keeps subscription over the phone while ensuring a hassle-free experience. Remember to keep all relevant information handy and maintain a courteous demeanor during your conversation with the customer support representative.

How To Cancel Keeps Subscription Via Email?

If you’ve decided to cancel your Keeps subscription and prefer not to call customer support, emailing them is a convenient option. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of canceling your Keeps subscription via email, including important tips and additional information to ensure a smooth experience.

Step 1: Compose Your Email

Start by opening your preferred email client or webmail service (e.g., Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo). Create a new email and address it to [email protected].

Step 2: Subject Line

In the subject line of your email, make it clear that you are requesting the cancellation of your Keeps subscription. A concise subject line can help the customer support team quickly identify your request. For example, you could use a subject like “Cancellation of Keeps Subscription Request.”

Step 3: Provide Essential Subscription Details

In the body of the email, you’ll need to include all the necessary details related to your Keeps subscription. This information helps the customer support team verify your account and process your cancellation request accurately. Here are some essential details to include:

  • Your full name: Make sure it matches the name associated with your Keeps account.
  • Email address associated with your Keeps account.
  • Date of your initial subscription.
  • Any account or customer ID if you have one.
  • A clear and polite request for the cancellation of your subscription. You might say something like, “I would like to request the cancellation of my Keeps subscription.”

Step 4: Include Additional Information (Optional)

If you believe there are specific reasons for canceling your subscription or if you’ve encountered any issues with your Keeps service, you can briefly mention them in your email. Providing feedback can help Keeps improve its services.

Step 5: Double-Check and Proofread

Before sending your email, review it carefully to ensure that all the required information is accurate and complete. This will help prevent any delays in processing your request.

Step 6: Send Your Email

Once you’re satisfied with the content of your email, click the “Send” button. Your cancellation request will now be in the hands of the Keeps customer support team.

Step 7: Confirmation Email

Keeps’ customer support will review your email and process your subscription cancellation request. After they’ve canceled your subscription, you should receive a confirmation email. This email will serve as proof that your request has been successfully processed.

Important Tips:

  • Be polite and concise in your email. Clear communication can expedite the cancellation process.
  • Include all necessary details to avoid any confusion or delays.
  • Keep an eye on your email inbox for the confirmation email from Keeps.
  • If you don’t receive a confirmation within a reasonable time frame, consider following up with Keeps via email or their customer support hotline.

Additional Information:

  • Keeps’ cancellation policies may vary, so it’s a good idea to check their official website or terms of service for any specific guidelines or requirements.
  • If you’ve subscribed through a third-party platform (e.g., Apple App Store or Google Play Store), you may need to follow their cancellation process in addition to emailing Keeps.

In summary, canceling your Keeps subscription via email is a straightforward process when you provide all the necessary information and follow the steps outlined in this guide. Always maintain clear and polite communication with Keeps’ customer support to ensure a hassle-free cancellation experience.

How to Cancel Your Keeps Subscription via Live Chat?

Keeps offers a convenient way to cancel your subscription through live chat support. If you’re looking to discontinue your Keeps subscription and want to know how to do it via live chat, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process.

Step 1: Access the Keeps Official Website

Start by opening your web browser and navigating to the official Keeps website. You can do this by typing “Keeps” into your search engine or directly entering “” in the address bar.

Step 2: Locate the “Support” Option

Once you’re on the Keeps website, scroll down to the bottom right corner of the main page. There, you will find the “Support” option. It is usually represented by an icon that resembles a chat bubble or the word “Support.” Click on it to initiate the live chat.

Step 3: Connect with a Live Chat Agent

Clicking on the “Support” option will connect you with one of the live chat agents from Keeps. You may have to wait for a moment until an agent becomes available. Be patient as they assist other customers.

Step 4: Request Subscription Cancellation

Once you are connected to a live chat agent, politely inform them that you want to cancel your Keeps subscription. Be ready to provide the necessary details they will require to process the cancellation. These details may include:

  • Your full name
  • Your email address associated with the subscription
  • Any order or account numbers, if applicable
  • The reason for canceling (optional)

Step 5: Verify Your Identity

To ensure security and prevent unauthorized cancellations, the live chat agent may ask you to verify your identity. This could involve answering security questions or providing additional information.

Step 6: Confirmation and Follow-Up

After successfully verifying your identity and providing the necessary information, the live chat agent will proceed to cancel your subscription. They may also provide you with a confirmation of the cancellation. Make sure to keep this confirmation for your records.

Tips and Important Information:

  • Be Patient: Live chat agents may be assisting other customers, so wait patiently for your turn.
  • Prepare Your Information: Before initiating the live chat, have your subscription details ready to streamline the cancellation process.
  • Verification: Be prepared to verify your identity to prevent unauthorized cancellations.
  • Cancellation Date: Ask the agent for confirmation of the cancellation date to ensure that you won’t be billed for the next subscription cycle.
  • Save Confirmation: Always save any confirmation or reference numbers provided by the agent for future reference or in case of any billing disputes.

Canceling your Keeps subscription through live chat is a straightforward process. By following these steps and tips, you can efficiently end your subscription with Keeps without any hassle. If you have any concerns or questions during the process, don’t hesitate to ask the live chat agent for assistance.

FAQs about How To Cancel Keeps Subscription?

1. Is Keeps easy to cancel?

To cancel your Keeps subscription, you have two options: call customer service during business hours or fill out an online cancellation form. Be aware that this process may vary in the future, so it’s essential to check the Keeps website or contact customer service for the most up-to-date instructions.

Tip: When canceling your Keeps subscription, make sure to do it well in advance of your next billing cycle to avoid any unwanted charges. Keep track of the cancellation process through the Keeps website or customer service channels.

2. Can I get a refund on Keeps?

Unfortunately, Keeps does not offer refunds on purchases of treatments. The reason for this policy is that treatments dispensed for you cannot be used for another patient. Therefore, all purchases are considered final.

Example: If you purchase a month’s supply of a specific treatment and later decide not to use it, you won’t be able to return it for a refund.

Tip: Before making a purchase on Keeps, ensure that you are committed to the treatment plan and have consulted with a healthcare professional if necessary. This will help you make an informed decision and avoid any potential disappointment.

3. How do I change my Keeps subscription?

You can easily adjust your Keeps treatment plan by logging in to your Keeps account and selecting “Change Your Plan.” If you need assistance, reach out to the Keeps Care team through multiple channels, including calling, texting, live chat, or email.

Example: If you want to add or remove a treatment from your subscription, accessing your Keeps account is the quickest way to make the necessary changes.

Tip: Keep in mind that your subscription can be customized to meet your changing needs, so don’t hesitate to reach out to the Care team for support in making the right adjustments.

4. How much does Keeps cost a month?

Keeps treatment plans start at $10 per month, with the exact cost depending on the specific treatment you select. You can explore all available products and find out more about their pricing on the Keeps website.

Example: If you choose a basic treatment plan, it may cost you as little as $10 per month, while more comprehensive plans with additional products could have a higher monthly cost.

Tip: Visit the Keeps website to compare treatment plans and their associated costs to determine the best plan for your needs and budget. Keep in mind that the pricing may be subject to change over time, so check the website for the most current information.

Always refer to the Keeps website or contact their customer service for the most accurate and up-to-date information