How To Cancel Learn Our History Subscription? Easy Guide!

How To Cancel Learn Our History Subscription? Are you currently subscribed to Learn Our History but find yourself in a situation where you need to cancel your subscription? We understand that circumstances change, and whether it’s a shift in priorities or simply a desire to explore other learning avenues, knowing how to cancel your Learn Our History Subscription is crucial. In this article, we’ll walk you through the entire process, step by step, to make sure it’s as seamless as possible. So, if you’ve been wondering how to go about the Learn Our History Subscription cancellation, you’ve come to the right place!

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How To Cancel Learn Our History Subscription

Learning about history should be a fascinating and enjoyable experience, and that’s precisely what Learn Our History aims to provide. However, we understand that there may come a time when you need to pause or end your subscription. Whether it’s due to budget constraints, shifting interests, or any other reason, we’re here to guide you through the process of canceling your Learn Our History Subscription. Our goal is to ensure that you have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your subscription, putting you in control of your learning journey.

Our step-by-step guide will not only walk you through the process of canceling your Learn Our History Subscription but will also provide tips and insights to ensure a smooth experience. We understand that navigating subscription services can sometimes be confusing, but we’re here to demystify the process for you. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the knowledge and confidence you need to take action and cancel your Learn Our History Subscription if that’s what you decide to do. So, let’s dive in and make this journey as straightforward as possible. Your subscription, your choice, and we’re here to help!

How to Cancel Learn Our History Subscription Over the Phone?

Learn Our History is a subscription-based service that offers educational content for children. If you’ve decided to cancel your Learn Our History subscription and prefer to do it over the phone, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process. Canceling over the phone can be a quick and efficient way to end your subscription. Follow these simple steps to successfully cancel your Learn Our History subscription.

Step 1: Prepare for the Call

Before making the call, gather all the necessary information you might need during the cancellation process. This may include:

  • Your Learn Our History account number, if you have it.
  • The email address associated with your Learn Our History account.

Having this information on hand will help streamline the cancellation process and confirm your identity.

Step 2: Contact Learn Our History Customer Service

Call Learn Our History’s Customer Support Service Team at (877) 874-4786. It’s essential to call during their business hours, which are from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. Follow these steps:

  • Dial (877) 874-4786 on your phone and wait for the call to be answered.

Step 3: Speak with a Customer Service Representative

When a representative answers the call, politely state your intention to cancel your Learn Our History subscription. Here’s a sample script you can use:

“Hello, I am calling to cancel my Learn Our History subscription.”

The representative will assist you with the cancellation process.

Step 4: Provide Required Information

To verify your identity and access your account, the customer service agent may ask you for some information. Be prepared to provide:

  • Your Learn Our History account number, if you have it.
  • The email address associated with your Learn Our History account.

This information is crucial to confirm that you are the account holder and to proceed with the cancellation.

Step 5: Follow Agent’s Instructions

The customer service representative will guide you through the cancellation process. They may ask additional questions or provide specific instructions to complete the cancellation.

Important Tips:

  • Be patient and courteous throughout the call, as the agent is there to assist you.
  • Take notes during the call. Write down the name of the agent you spoke with, the date and time of the call, and any confirmation numbers or reference numbers provided. This documentation can be helpful in case of any issues.

Step 6: Confirm Cancellation

Before ending the call, make sure to confirm with the agent that your Learn Our History subscription has been successfully canceled. Ask for any confirmation or reference numbers associated with the cancellation.

Step 7: Check Your Billing

After canceling over the phone, it’s a good practice to check your billing statement to ensure that you are no longer being charged for the Learn Our History subscription.

By following these steps, you can cancel your Learn Our History subscription over the phone efficiently and without any hassle. Remember to keep all documentation related to the cancellation in case you need it for reference in the future.

How to Cancel Learn Our History Subscription via Email?

Learn Our History offers a variety of educational subscriptions, but if you’ve decided it’s time to cancel your subscription and prefer not to make a phone call, you can do so through email. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of canceling your Learn Our History subscription via email, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Important Note: Before you proceed with the cancellation process, make sure you have all the necessary subscription and personal details at hand. This will help streamline the cancellation process and ensure there are no complications.

Step 1: Compose Your Cancellation Email

The first step is to compose an email that clearly communicates your intention to cancel your Learn Our History subscription. Here’s a template you can use:

Subject: Subscription Cancellation Request

Dear Learn Our History Customer Service Team,

I am writing to request the cancellation of my Learn Our History subscription. Please find my subscription details below:

- Full Name: [Your Full Name]
- Email Address: [Your Email Address]
- Subscription ID: [Your Subscription ID, if available]

I would like to cancel my subscription effective immediately. Please confirm the cancellation and provide any further instructions if needed.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

[Your Name]

Ensure that you fill in the relevant information in brackets and make it concise and to the point.

Step 2: Send the Email

Once you have composed your cancellation email, send it to the Learn Our History Customer Service Email Address, which is [email protected]. Double-check the recipient’s email address to avoid any delivery issues.

Step 3: Await Confirmation

After sending your cancellation request email, be patient and wait for a response from Learn Our History’s customer service team. They should acknowledge your request and provide further instructions or confirmation of the cancellation.

Important Tip: Keep a record of your sent email and any communication with the Learn Our History customer service team for your reference.

Step 4: Verify the Cancellation

Once you receive a response confirming your subscription cancellation, review the email carefully to ensure that the cancellation has been processed correctly. Make note of any follow-up instructions or actions required on your part.

Step 5: Monitor Your Billing

Monitor your bank statements or payment method for any recurring charges from Learn Our History. It may take a billing cycle or two for the cancellation to reflect, so it’s essential to ensure that no further charges are incurred.

Additional Tips:

  • Include All Required Information: Ensure you provide all the necessary details in your cancellation email, such as your full name, email address, and subscription ID if available. This will help expedite the process.
  • Be Polite and Clear: Maintain a polite and professional tone in your email. Clear communication is key to a successful cancellation.
  • Document Everything: Keep records of all correspondence related to your cancellation request, including emails and confirmation messages.
  • Check Your Spam Folder: If you don’t receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, check your spam folder to ensure the reply hasn’t been mistakenly filtered.
  • Follow Up if Necessary: If you don’t receive a response or confirmation within a reasonable time frame, don’t hesitate to follow up with Learn Our History’s customer service team.

By following these steps and tips, you should be able to cancel your Learn Our History subscription via email efficiently and effectively, ensuring a smooth process without the need for a phone call.

How to Cancel Your Learn Our History Subscription via Contact Form?

If you’ve decided to cancel your Learn Our History subscription, you can easily do so by reaching out to their customer support team using their Contact Form. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process, provide examples, and share important tips to ensure a smooth cancellation experience.

Step 1: Access the Learn Our History Contact Support Page

To initiate the cancellation process, you’ll need to visit the Learn Our History Contact Support Page. You can typically find a link to this page on the company’s website, often in the “Contact Us” or “Support” section.


  • Open your web browser and type “Learn Our History Contact Support” into the search bar.
  • Click on the search result that directs you to Learn Our History’s official contact page.

Step 2: Complete the Contact Form

Once you’re on the Contact Support Page, you’ll find a form that requires certain information. Fill it out as follows:

Enter Your Personal Information

  • Your Name: Provide your full name.
  • Email Address: Use the email associated with your Learn Our History subscription.


Write a Brief Message

Compose a concise message requesting the cancellation of your Learn Our History subscription. Be polite and straightforward in your request.

Example: Message: “I would like to cancel my Learn Our History subscription. Please assist me in this process. Thank you.”

Step 3: Specify the Subject Field

In the “Subject” or “Subject Field” section of the form, make it clear that you’re requesting a subscription cancellation. Use a subject like “Cancel Subscription.”

Example: Subject: Cancel Subscription

Step 4: Submit the Form

Once you’ve filled out the form with the necessary information, double-check everything to ensure accuracy. When you’re confident, click the “Send” button to submit your request to Learn Our History’s service team.


  • Review the form for accuracy.
  • Click the “Send” button.

Step 5: Monitor Your Email

After submitting the cancellation request, keep a close eye on your email inbox. Learn Our History may send you further correspondence regarding your cancellation request, including confirmation or instructions.

Example: Check your email regularly, including your spam or promotions folder, for any messages from Learn Our History.

Additional Tips:

  • Document Your Communication: It’s a good practice to save copies of all your communication with Learn Our History. This documentation can be helpful if you need to reference it in the future.
  • Review Terms and Conditions: Before canceling, review Learn Our History’s terms and conditions to understand any applicable cancellation fees or policies.
  • Be Patient: Response times from customer support can vary. Give Learn Our History some time to process your request.

Canceling your Learn Our History subscription via their Contact Form is a straightforward process. By following these steps and tips, you can navigate the cancellation process smoothly and efficiently.

How to Cancel and Modify Your Learn Our History Subscription Online?

Learn Our History offers a variety of educational content for subscribers. However, if you’re looking to cancel your subscription or make modifications, it can be done easily through their online platform. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of canceling your Learn Our History subscription and making modifications to your account, including changing payment methods and personal details.

Step 1: Access the Learn Our History Login Page

  • Open your preferred web browser and go to the Learn Our History website (
  • Locate the “Login” or “Sign In” option on the homepage and click on it.

Step 2: Log In to Your Learn Our History Account

  • Enter your email address and password associated with your Learn Our History account.
  • Click the “Login” button to access your account.

Step 3: Navigate to Your Account Section

  • Once you’re logged in, you will be taken to your Learn Our History account dashboard.
  • Look for the “Account” or “Profile” section. It may be located in the top right corner or in a dropdown menu.

Step 4: Locate the Cancel Subscription Option

  • In the “Account” or “Profile” section, search for the “Cancel Subscription” option. This is the button you’ll use to cancel your subscription.

Step 5: Initiate the Cancellation Process

  • Click on the “Cancel Subscription” button.
  • You may be asked to provide a reason for canceling your subscription. Select the appropriate reason from the options provided.

Step 6: Follow the Instructions to Complete Cancellation

  • Learn Our History will provide instructions on how to proceed with the cancellation process.
  • Follow these instructions carefully. This may include confirming your cancellation or specifying any additional details.

Important Tips:

  • Keep an eye out for any confirmation messages or emails from Learn Our History confirming your subscription cancellation.
  • Make sure to complete the cancellation process to avoid future billing.

In conclusion, canceling or modifying your Learn Our History subscription online is a straightforward process when you follow these steps. Always make sure to complete the necessary actions and keep an eye on your email for confirmation of any changes or cancellations.

FAQs about How To Cancel Learn Our History Subscription?

1. How many Learn Our History DVDs are currently available?

Learn Our History currently has 7 videos in the series.

Example: The existing DVDs cover topics such as the American Revolution, the Mayflower, and the Underground Railroad.

2. Are there more Learn Our History DVDs planned for release?

Yes, seven more DVDs were in the works for release in 2012.

Example: Some of the upcoming DVDs might focus on subjects like the Civil War or the Founding Fathers.

3. Is there a long-term plan for the Learn Our History DVD series?

Yes, there is a vision for more than 70 DVDs in the future.

Example: These DVDs are intended to cover a wide range of historical events and eras, ensuring a comprehensive educational experience.

4. Who is behind Learn Our History?

Co-founder Mike Huckabee is involved in the project and believes the series teaches historical facts without bias.

Example: Mike Huckabee, a former governor and presidential candidate, lends his expertise to ensure the content is accurate and educational.

5. What is the primary goal of Learn Our History DVDs?

The primary goal is to promote a strong sense of patriotism in children.

Example: By presenting historical events in an engaging and unbiased manner, Learn Our History aims to instill a love for one’s country and its history in young viewers.

6. Are Learn Our History DVDs suitable for all age groups?

While Learn Our History is primarily designed for children, people of all ages can benefit from the educational content.

Example: Parents, educators, and anyone interested in American history can find value in these DVDs.

7. Do Learn Our History DVDs adhere to any specific educational standards?

Learn Our History DVDs are designed to complement traditional history curricula and can be a valuable addition to homeschooling or classroom instruction.

Example: These DVDs align with various state and national educational standards, making them a useful resource for educators.

8. Are there any teaching guides or supplementary materials available with Learn Our History DVDs?

Learn Our History provides additional resources, such as teacher guides and worksheets, to enhance the learning experience.

Example: Educators can access these materials to create lesson plans and engage students more effectively.

9. Where can I purchase Learn Our History DVDs?

Learn Our History DVDs are available for purchase on their official website and may also be found in select retail stores and online marketplaces.

Example: You can visit the Learn Our History website to explore their product offerings and make a purchase.

10. Is Learn Our History only focused on American history, or does it cover other historical topics as well?

Learn Our History primarily focuses on American history, but it may expand to cover other historical topics in the future.

Example: While the current DVDs center on American history, the series might diversify its content to include world history in the future.

Important Tips:

  • Consider the age and educational level of the viewer when selecting Learn Our History DVDs, as they are designed for varying age groups.
  • Explore the additional resources and teaching materials provided by Learn Our History to maximize the educational value of the DVDs.
  • Stay updated on new releases, as the series continues to grow and cover more historical events and periods.
  • Encourage critical thinking and discussion when using Learn Our History DVDs, as they present historical facts without bias, allowing for thoughtful exploration of different perspectives.