How To Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership?

How To Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership? Are you feeling the need to hit the reset button on your fitness journey and wondering how to cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership? We’ve got you covered. Whether it’s a change in your fitness routine, location, or simply a shift in priorities, cancelling your membership should be a straightforward process that allows you to move on hassle-free. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

How To Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership

Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership has been a trusted name in women’s fitness for years, offering a variety of programs and services designed to empower and inspire. But life is ever-changing, and sometimes your fitness goals need to adapt. If you’ve found yourself considering Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership, you’re not alone. Many women have faced the same decision, and in this article, we’ll explore how to do it in the most efficient way possible.

We understand that cancelling a gym membership can be a daunting process, filled with uncertainty and potential obstacles. That’s why we’re here to guide you through it step by step. Whether it’s the right choice for you or you’re just curious about the process, our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and confidence to make an informed decision. So, if you’re ready to learn more about cancelling your Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership, keep reading.

You might be wondering, “Why should I read this article?” Well, by the time you finish reading, you’ll have a clear understanding of Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership cancellation procedures. You’ll have the knowledge to make the best decision for your fitness journey. Our desire is to simplify the process, so you can focus on your goals without the stress of membership management.

Now, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide to Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership, so you can take action and achieve the peace of mind you deserve.

How to Cancel Lucille Roberts Women’s Fitness In-Person?

Lucille Roberts Women’s Fitness offers a variety of membership options, but if you’ve decided it’s time to Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership in person, follow these steps to ensure a smooth and hassle-free cancellation process.

Step 1: Gather Required Documents

Before heading to your nearest Lucille Roberts Women’s Fitness club, ensure you have the necessary documents and items with you:

  • Membership Card: Bring your membership card to verify your identity and membership details.
  • Pertinent Paperwork: Any relevant paperwork related to your membership should also be in your possession. This may include your original contract or agreement.

Having these documents on hand will expedite the cancellation process and help prevent any misunderstandings.

Step 2: Check Club Operating Hours

Lucille Roberts Women’s Fitness clubs operate during specific hours. Check the operating hours of your club to ensure you visit when staff are available to assist you with the cancellation process. You can usually find this information on the club’s website or by calling them directly.

Step 3: Visit the Club

Physically visit the Lucille Roberts Women’s Fitness club during their operating hours. Once inside, approach a manager or staff member at the front desk and politely inform them that you wish to Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership. They will guide you through the process.

Step 4: Complete the Cancellation Form

The staff will provide you with a cancellation form that you need to complete and sign. Take your time to read the form thoroughly, paying close attention to any cancellation terms, notice periods, or other requirements mentioned. It’s crucial to understand any potential fees or obligations associated with the cancellation.

Example: For instance, if the cancellation form states that you must provide 30 days’ notice, make sure you are aware of this requirement. This means you will need to continue paying for one more month before your membership officially ends.

Step 5: Submit Supporting Documents

In some cases, Lucille Roberts Women’s Fitness may require supporting documents or information to process your cancellation. These documents could include a copy of your membership contract or proof of identification. Be prepared to provide any requested materials to avoid delays.

Step 6: Confirm Cancellation

After you’ve submitted the cancellation form and any necessary documents, you should receive a notification confirming that your membership has been canceled. Keep this confirmation for your records, as it serves as proof of your cancellation.

Step 7: Take Additional Actions (if necessary)

Depending on your membership agreement, there might be additional steps required:

  • Return Equipment: If you have borrowed any equipment from the club, make arrangements to return it promptly.
  • Outstanding Balances: Ensure that you have settled any outstanding balances or fees associated with your membership.

By following these steps and adhering to any specific terms outlined in your cancellation form, you can successfully cancel your Lucille Roberts Women’s Fitness membership in person without any issues or additional charges.

Important Tips:

  • Be polite and courteous when dealing with club staff. They are there to assist you.
  • Keep copies of all documents related to your membership and cancellation.
  • Monitor your bank statements to ensure that no further membership fees are deducted after cancellation.

Remember that the cancellation process may vary slightly depending on your specific membership agreement, so always refer to your contract and any provided instructions for the most accurate guidance.

How to Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness via Certified Mail?

Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness membership via certified mail is a straightforward process that ensures your request is officially documented. Whether you’re moving, have found a new fitness routine, or for any other reason, follow these step-by-step instructions to successfully Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership.

Step 1: Prepare the Cancellation Letter

The first step in cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness membership via certified mail is to draft a cancellation letter. Here’s what you need to include:

Information to Include in the Letter:

  • Membership Number: Start your letter by mentioning your Lucille Roberts Women Fitness membership number. This number helps them identify your account quickly.


Membership Number: 12345678

  • Personal Information: Provide your full name and current address. This ensures that they can locate your membership in their system.


Full Name: Jane Doe
Address: 123 Main Street, Apt 4B, Anytown, USA 12345

State Your Intention:

  • Clearly state your intention to Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership. Be explicit about the fact that you want to terminate your membership with Lucille Roberts Women Fitness.


   I am writing to formally request the cancellation of my Lucille Roberts Women Fitness membership.

Specify the Cancellation Date:

  • Include the date on which you want the cancellation to take effect. Keep in mind that Lucille Roberts Women Fitness might have specific notice periods, so check your contract for any terms related to cancellation.


   I request that my membership be canceled effective [Insert Date - usually 30 days from the date of the letter].

Provide a Brief Justification:

  • You don’t need to go into great detail, but it’s helpful to provide a brief explanation for your cancellation. This can be anything from relocation to personal health reasons or a change in fitness preferences.


   Due to [brief reason, e.g., relocation], I am no longer able to make use of my Lucille Roberts Women Fitness membership.

Sign the Letter:

  • Sign the letter with your full legal signature. This adds authenticity to your request.


   [Your Signature]

Step 2: Keep a Copy

Before sending the letter, make a photocopy or take a picture of it for your records. Having a copy ensures you have a reference in case of any disputes or follow-up inquiries.

Step 3: Send via Certified Mail

To ensure that Lucille Roberts Women Fitness receives your cancellation request and to have proof of delivery, send the letter via certified mail with a return receipt requested. This method provides a tracking number and confirmation that your letter was delivered.

Step 4: Follow Up

After sending the certified mail, it’s essential to follow up with Lucille Roberts Women Fitness. Contact their customer service or membership department to confirm that your membership has been terminated. This step helps address any potential issues or questions that may arise during the cancellation process.

Keep in mind that Lucille Roberts Women Fitness may have specific policies and procedures for cancellations, so always refer to your membership contract for any additional requirements or information. By following these steps and keeping proper documentation, you can ensure a smooth and successful cancellation process for your Lucille Roberts Women Fitness membership via certified mail.

How to Cancel Lucille Roberts Membership?

If you’re looking to cancel Lucille Roberts membership and need to reach out to their customer service, you’ve come to the right place. Lucille Roberts offers a convenient way to request membership cancellation through their contact form. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership effectively.

Step 1: Access Lucille Roberts’ Contact Page

  • Open your web browser and go to the Lucille Roberts website (
  • Navigate to the “Contact” or “Contact Us” page. You can usually find this in the website’s footer or under the “About Us” section.

Step 2: Choose Your Subject and Category

  • Once you’re on the Contact Page, you’ll be presented with a contact form. The first thing you need to do is select the appropriate “Subject” for your inquiry. In this case, choose “Membership Cancelation” or a similar option related to canceling your membership.
  • Next, under the “Category” or “Feedback” section, select the option that best describes your reason for canceling your membership. This helps Lucille Roberts understand your specific situation.

Step 3: Select Your Club

  • Look for a dropdown menu that allows you to choose your Lucille Roberts club location. This ensures that your cancellation request is directed to the right branch.

Step 4: Provide Your Comments

  • In the text box provided, write down your comments or views regarding your membership cancellation. Be concise and clear in explaining your reason for canceling. This information is essential for Lucille Roberts to process your request promptly.

Step 5: Personal Information

Below the comments section, you will need to provide your personal information. Fill in the following details:

  • First Name: Enter your first name.
  • Last Name: Enter your last name.
  • Email: Input a valid email address where Lucille Roberts can reach you.
  • Phone: Provide your phone number so they can contact you regarding your cancellation request.

Step 6: Checkbox and Submit

  • Before submitting your request, check the box if there is one that confirms you’ve read and agree to the terms and conditions or cancellation policy, if applicable.
  • Finally, click the “Submit” button to send your cancellation request to Lucille Roberts.

Step 7: Wait for Contact

  • After submitting the form, Lucille Roberts’ customer service team will review your request. They will contact you soon at the phone number you provided. Be patient, as it may take some time for them to process your cancellation.

Important Tips:

  • Ensure that all the information you provide is accurate and up-to-date. Mistakes or outdated contact information can lead to delays in processing your cancellation.
  • It’s a good idea to retain a copy of your cancellation request confirmation or any email correspondence with Lucille Roberts for your records.
  • If you don’t receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, consider following up with Lucille Roberts to ensure that your request is being processed.
  • Review Lucille Roberts’ membership cancellation policy before submitting your request to understand any potential fees or notice requirements.

Remember, each gym or fitness center may have slightly different procedures, so it’s always a good idea to check Lucille Roberts’ website or contact their customer service for the most current information regarding membership cancellation.

FAQs about How To Cancel Lucille Roberts Women Fitness Membership?

1. How do I cancel my workout membership?

Answer: To cancel your gym membership, you should contact the gym directly and notify them of your intention to cancel. Follow the gym’s specific instructions, which may involve submitting a written request or using a cancellation form provided by the gym. Additionally, make sure to settle any outstanding payments or fees before attempting to cancel your membership. This ensures a smooth cancellation process.

Example: If you have a membership with XYZ Gym and want to cancel it, call the gym, ask for their cancellation procedure, and follow their instructions. If there are any dues remaining, clear them before proceeding with the cancellation to avoid complications.

Important Tips:

  • Keep a record of your cancellation request, including the date, time, and who you spoke to at the gym.
  • Review your membership contract for any cancellation terms and conditions.
  • Be aware of any notice period or cancellation fees mentioned in your contract.

2. What happened to Lucille Roberts gym?

Answer: Lucille Roberts gyms were affected by a bankruptcy court order, which required the assets of the parent company, TSI (Town Sports International), to be sold and the company to be shut down. This transaction was completed on November 30, 2020. As a result, all gyms branded as New York Sports Club or Lucille Roberts were purchased by a different company and are now operated independently.

Example: Lucille Roberts gyms were no longer under the management of TSI after November 30, 2020. If you were a member of a Lucille Roberts gym, you may need to inquire with the new operators about membership status and any changes in policies or services.

3. How do I cancel my Les Mills membership?

Answer: To cancel your Les Mills membership, follow these steps:

  • Go to your Billing and Subscription settings.
  • Click on “Manage Subscription.”
  • Choose the “cancel subscription” option.
  • A pop-up will appear, offering you cancellation options. Select one and continue.
  • You may be presented with an optional survey.
  • To finalize the cancellation, select “Confirm Cancellation.”

Example: If you have a Les Mills On Demand subscription and want to cancel it, log in to your account, access the Billing and Subscription settings, and follow the provided steps for cancellation.

Important Tips:

  • Ensure you complete all required steps in the cancellation process.
  • Check for any cancellation fees or terms associated with your specific Les Mills subscription.

4. How do I cancel my Les Mills gym membership in New Zealand (NZ)?

Answer: To cancel your Les Mills gym membership in NZ, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to your Les Mills account.
  • Hover over your profile bubble at the top right corner.
  • Select “ACCOUNT” from the drop-down menu.
  • In the Subscription Details section, choose “CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION.”

Example: If you are a Les Mills gym member in New Zealand and wish to cancel your membership, log in to your Les Mills account, navigate to the Account settings, and follow the steps to cancel your subscription.

These FAQs should help individuals understand how to cancel gym memberships and provide guidance on specific scenarios, such as the Lucille Roberts gym bankruptcy and Les Mills membership cancellation.