How To Cancel US Bank Credit Card? A Step-by-Step Guide!

How To Cancel US Bank Credit Card? Perhaps you’ve found a better financial option or you’re simplifying your credit card portfolio. Whatever your reason may be, the process of canceling your US Bank Credit Card doesn’t have to be daunting. In fact, it can be a straightforward and hassle-free experience when you know the right steps to take. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the entire process of how to cancel a US Bank Credit Card. So, if you’re ready to regain control of your financial journey, let’s dive in.

How To Cancel US Bank Credit Card

Before we delve into the cancellation process, it’s essential to understand why you might want to cancel your US Bank Credit Card. Perhaps you’ve decided to explore credit card options with more favorable terms, lower interest rates, or enticing rewards programs. Or maybe you’re looking to simplify your financial life and reduce the number of credit cards you manage. Regardless of your motivation, our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and guidance to ensure a smooth cancellation experience. So, if you’re curious about the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of US Bank Credit Card cancellation, keep reading.

In a world of ever-evolving financial choices, having the ability to manage your credit cards wisely is paramount. Understanding how to cancel your US Bank Credit Card not only puts you in the driver’s seat of your financial destiny but also empowers you to make informed decisions about your credit portfolio. Whether you’re looking to cancel your card due to changing financial circumstances or simply want to explore better options, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. So, if you’re ready to embark on this journey to financial control and liberation, let’s explore the ins and outs of US Bank Credit Card cancellation together.

How to Cancel Your US Bank Credit Card Over the Phone?

Cancelling a credit card can be a straightforward process when you know the right steps to follow. One of the most common and effective methods to cancel your US Bank Credit Card is by doing it over the phone. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of cancelling your US Bank Credit Card over the phone, including tips and important information to ensure a smooth experience.

Step 1: Gather Your Information

Before making the call, it’s essential to gather all the necessary information you’ll need to cancel your US Bank Credit Card. This information typically includes:

  • Your US Bank Credit Card number
  • Your full name as it appears on the card
  • Your Social Security number (or Tax Identification Number)
  • Your date of birth
  • Any other relevant personal information that the bank may request

Having this information on hand will expedite the cancellation process and help the customer service representative verify your identity.

Step 2: Find the US Bank Credit Card Phone Number

The US Bank Credit Card customer service phone number is 800-285-8585. Make sure you have a reliable phone with good reception to ensure a smooth conversation.

Step 3: Call US Bank Customer Service

Dial the provided phone number and wait to be connected to a US Bank customer service representative. Be patient, as there may be a brief wait time before your call is answered.

Step 4: Verify Your Identity

Once you’re connected to a representative, the first step will be to verify your identity. You’ll be asked to provide your US Bank Credit Card number, your full name, Social Security number (or Tax Identification Number), and your date of birth. This is a crucial step to prevent unauthorized cancellations.

Example: Customer Service Representative: “Hello, thank you for calling US Bank Credit Card services. May I please have your US Bank Credit Card number to get started?”

Step 5: Request Card Cancellation

Clearly state your intention to cancel your US Bank Credit Card to the representative. Be polite and concise in your request.

Example: Customer: “I would like to cancel my US Bank Credit Card, please.”

Step 6: Provide Additional Information

The representative may ask for additional information or verification to ensure that you are the cardholder. Cooperate and provide any requested details promptly.

Step 7: Confirm the Cancellation

Once all the necessary information has been provided and verified, the customer service representative will confirm the cancellation of your US Bank Credit Card. They should provide you with a reference number for your records.

Example: Customer Service Representative: “Your US Bank Credit Card has been successfully canceled, and here is your reference number for your records.”

Step 8: Verify Cancellation Details

Before ending the call, double-check the details of the cancellation with the representative. Ensure that they have correctly processed your request and that there are no outstanding issues.

Important Tips:

  • Always keep your card details secure during the call to prevent any potential fraud.
  • Take note of the representative’s name and the reference number provided for your reference.
  • Be patient and courteous throughout the call, as the representative is there to assist you.
  • Consider cutting up or destroying your physical credit card after cancellation to prevent any accidental use.

By following these steps and tips, you can successfully cancel your US Bank Credit Card over the phone while ensuring a smooth and secure process. Remember to keep all confirmation details for your records in case you need them in the future.

How to Cancel a US Bank Credit Card via Fax?

Canceling a credit card can be a straightforward process, but it’s essential to do it correctly to avoid any complications. If you’re a US Bank credit cardholder and prefer to cancel your card via fax, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process. We’ll provide examples, important tips, and additional information to ensure a smooth cancellation experience.

Step 1: Compose a Cancellation Letter

The first step in canceling your US Bank credit card via fax is to write a cancellation letter. In this letter, you need to include the following information:

Example of a Cancellation Letter:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

US Bank Credit Card Services
P.O. Box 790408
St. Louis, MO 63179-0408

Dear US Bank Customer Service,

I am writing to request the cancellation of my US Bank credit card [Insert your credit card number if available]. I have decided to close this account for personal reasons. Please find my account details below:

Name: [Your Full Name]
Address: [Your Full Address]

Please close my credit card account and send me a written confirmation of the closure. I understand that any outstanding balances or pending transactions must be settled promptly.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


[Your Signature]

Important Tips:

  • Be concise and clear in your letter.
  • Include your credit card number if available.
  • Mention that you want a written confirmation of the closure.
  • Always sign the letter by hand for authenticity.

Step 2: Send the Letter via Fax

Once you have composed your cancellation letter, you’ll need to send it to US Bank via fax. The designated fax number for credit card cancellations at US Bank is 866-568-7729.

Important Information:

  • Double-check the fax number before sending to avoid errors.
  • Make sure your fax machine is in working order.
  • Ensure that the letter is clear and legible when faxed.

Step 3: Await Confirmation

After sending the fax, you should patiently wait for US Bank to process your request. They will typically send you written confirmation of the cancellation within a few weeks.

Additional Information:

  • Keep a copy of the faxed letter and any confirmation or correspondence from US Bank.
  • Monitor your credit card statements to ensure no unauthorized charges occur during the cancellation process.
  • Contact US Bank customer service if you don’t receive confirmation within a reasonable time frame.

Canceling a US Bank credit card via fax can be a straightforward process if you follow these steps carefully. Always remember to include the necessary information in your cancellation letter, send it to the correct fax number, and maintain records for your peace of mind. If you have any doubts or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact US Bank’s customer service for assistance.

How to Cancel Your US Bank Credit Card Via Mail?

If you’ve decided to close your US Bank credit card account and prefer not to do it over the phone or online, you can cancel it by submitting a cancellation request via mail. This method ensures a documented record of your request. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to cancel your US Bank Credit Card via mail:

Step 1: Gather Your Information and Materials

Before you start writing your cancellation letter, make sure you have all the necessary information and materials ready. You will need:

  • Your US Bank credit card account number.
  • Your full name and mailing address.
  • A pen or printer to create a physical copy of your letter.
  • A stamped envelope to send your letter.

Step 2: Compose Your Cancellation Letter

Write a formal cancellation letter addressed to US Bank. Make sure to include the following elements:

  • Your name and complete address at the top of the letter.
  • The current date.
  • The US Bank credit card account number.
  • A clear and concise statement of your intention to cancel your credit card account. For example:”I am writing to formally request the cancellation of my US Bank credit card account with the account number [your account number].”
  • A brief explanation for your decision (optional but can be helpful for their records).

“I have decided to close this account due to personal financial reasons and no longer require the services of this credit card.”

  • A polite and professional tone throughout the letter.
  • Your signature at the bottom of the letter.

Here’s a sample cancellation letter:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

US Bank
Credit Card Customer Service
[US Bank Mailing Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear US Bank,

I am writing to formally request the cancellation of my US Bank credit card account with the account number [your account number]. I have decided to close this account due to personal financial reasons and no longer require the services of this credit card.

Please consider this letter as my official request to close the account and terminate any associated credit card services immediately. I kindly request confirmation of the account closure and a final statement of the account.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please send any necessary instructions or documents to facilitate this process.


[Your Signature]

Step 3: Make Copies for Your Records

Before sending your letter, make copies of it for your records. This will be useful in case you need to reference the details of your cancellation request in the future.

Step 4: Send Your Cancellation Letter

Place your signed and dated cancellation letter in a stamped envelope and mail it to the US Bank mailing address. Ensure you use the correct address, which can typically be found on the back of your credit card statement or on the US Bank website. It’s crucial to send your letter through certified mail or with tracking to have proof of delivery.

Step 5: Monitor Your Account

Keep an eye on your US Bank credit card account to ensure it’s closed as requested. US Bank should send you confirmation of the account closure, but if you don’t receive it within a reasonable time frame, consider following up with their customer service.

Important Tips:

  • Always be clear and concise in your cancellation letter.
  • Request confirmation of the account closure for your records.
  • Keep a copy of your letter and any correspondence with US Bank.
  • Consider cutting up your credit card to prevent accidental use once the account is closed.
  • Be patient; account closures may take a few weeks to process.

By following these steps and tips, you can successfully cancel your US Bank Credit Card via mail, ensuring that your request is properly documented and processed.

FAQs about How To Cancel US Bank Credit Card?

1. Can I close my U.S. Bank credit card online?

No, you cannot close your U.S. Bank credit card online. You can cancel it by phone at (800) 285-8585 or by sending your request via fax or regular mail. U.S. Bank does not currently offer an online option for canceling credit cards.

Tip: When calling to cancel your U.S. Bank credit card, have your card details and account information ready for a smoother process.

2. Can I cancel any credit card online?

Typically, you cannot cancel a credit card online. It’s best to contact your credit card issuer’s customer service department to cancel your credit card account. Some major issuers may offer online cancellation options, but they are rare.

Tip: Always check with your specific credit card issuer for their cancellation policies and procedures, as they may vary.

3. How can I cancel my credit card permanently?

To cancel your credit card permanently, follow these steps:

  • Pay off any remaining balance.
  • Redeem any rewards or cashback points.
  • Call your bank’s customer service to request cancellation.
  • Send a written cancellation letter to your bank, following their guidelines.
  • Check your credit report to ensure the card is reported as closed.
  • Safely destroy your old card to prevent unauthorized use.

Tip: Keep a record of your cancellation request and confirmation for your records.

4. Does closing a credit card hurt your credit score?

Yes, closing a credit card can potentially hurt your credit score in the short term. When you close a card, you may lose the positive credit history associated with it, which can impact your credit score.

Tip: Consider keeping your oldest credit cards open to maintain a longer credit history, which can positively affect your credit score. Before closing a card, assess the impact on your credit utilization and overall credit profile.

Remember that the specific policies and procedures for canceling credit cards may vary between banks and issuers. Always reach out to your credit card issuer directly or refer to their official website for the most up-to-date information and guidance on canceling a credit card.