How To Cancel Yelp Ads? A Step-by-Step Guide!

How To Cancel Yelp Ads? You’re not alone. Many business owners find themselves in a similar situation, wondering how to cancel Yelp Ads effectively. Whether you’re looking to save on advertising costs, exploring different marketing avenues, or simply reevaluating your advertising strategy, understanding the Yelp Ads cancellation process is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to cancel Yelp Ads smoothly, ensuring a hassle-free experience and helping you regain control of your advertising budget.

How To Cancel Yelp Ads

If the thought of canceling Yelp Ads has crossed your mind, you’re likely already aware of the potential benefits and challenges associated with this advertising platform. Yelp Ads can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to increase their online presence and attract more customers. However, situations change, and your advertising needs may evolve over time. Whether it’s due to shifting business priorities, budget constraints, or a desire to explore other marketing options, knowing how to cancel Yelp Ads can be a game-changer in managing your online advertising strategy.

In this article, we’ll not only provide you with a step-by-step guide on canceling Yelp Ads but also share essential insights to make the process as straightforward as possible. By the end of this article, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to take the necessary action and cancel Yelp Ads if it aligns with your business goals. So, let’s dive in and uncover the secrets to a seamless Yelp Ads cancellation process, allowing you to redirect your advertising efforts effectively.

How to Cancel Yelp Ads Over the Phone?

If you’ve decided that it’s time to cancel your Yelp Ads subscription and want to do it over the phone, you’ve come to the right place. Yelp offers a phone-based cancellation process that allows you to speak directly with their customer support team. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of canceling Yelp Ads over the phone, including important tips and additional information.

Step 1: Gather Your Account Information

Before you call Yelp to cancel your Ads, make sure you have all the necessary account information ready. This will help streamline the process and ensure a smooth cancellation. You’ll typically need the following information:

  • Your Yelp business account login credentials (email and password).
  • Your Yelp Ads account details, such as the subscription plan you’re on, your billing information, and the duration of your contract (if applicable).

Having this information on hand will save you time and make the cancellation process more efficient.

Step 2: Call Yelp Customer Support

Now that you have your account information ready, it’s time to call Yelp’s customer support team. Dial the dedicated cancellation number at (855) 380-9357. Be prepared to wait on hold for a short period, especially during peak call times.

Yelp’s customer support team is available to assist you with cancellations from Monday to Friday, between 6 am and 7 pm. Make sure to call during these hours for the best chance of reaching a representative. When a representative answers, explain that you would like to cancel your Yelp Ads subscription.

Step 3: Verify Your Identity

Yelp takes account security seriously. To ensure that you are the authorized account holder, the customer support representative may ask you to verify your identity. This could involve providing some or all of the following information:

  • Your business name and location.
  • Your Yelp Ads account number (if applicable).
  • The email associated with your Yelp business account.

Be prepared to provide this information accurately to confirm your identity and proceed with the cancellation.

Step 4: Request Cancellation

Once your identity is verified, you can formally request the cancellation of your Yelp Ads subscription. Clearly express your intention to cancel and inquire about any outstanding balances or final billing statements. It’s essential to be polite and assertive during this conversation to ensure a smooth process.

Example: “Hello, I would like to cancel my Yelp Ads subscription. My business name is XYZ, and my account number is [account number, if applicable]. Please provide me with the details of any final billing and confirm the cancellation.”

Step 5: Review the Cancellation Details

Ask the customer support representative to provide you with the details of the cancellation. This should include the effective date of cancellation, any final charges or credits, and confirmation that your Ads service will no longer be active.

Take notes during the conversation and ask for an email confirmation of the cancellation details. This documentation can be helpful if you encounter any issues or discrepancies in the future.

Step 6: Follow Up

After the call, review the email confirmation (if provided) and make sure all the cancellation details are accurate. Keep this email for your records.

Additionally, it’s a good practice to check your billing statement to ensure that you are no longer being billed for Yelp Ads. If you notice any unexpected charges, promptly contact Yelp’s customer support to resolve the issue.

Tips and Important Information:

  • Be patient when calling Yelp customer support, as wait times may vary.
  • Politely but firmly express your desire to cancel your Ads subscription.
  • Keep a record of all correspondence, including the call date, time, and the name of the representative you spoke to.
  • If you are under contract, inquire about any cancellation fees or penalties that may apply.
  • Review your business budget and advertising strategy before canceling Yelp Ads to ensure it aligns with your overall marketing goals.

Remember that canceling your Yelp Ads may have an impact on your online visibility and reach, so consider your decision carefully and have an alternative advertising plan in place if needed.

How to Cancel Yelp Ads Online (From The App Or Website)?

Yelp Ads can be an effective way to promote your business, but if you’ve decided it’s time to cancel your campaign, you can do so easily through the Yelp website or the Yelp app. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of canceling your Yelp Ads online and provide you with some important tips to ensure a smooth experience.

Step 1: Log in to Your Yelp Account

Before you can cancel your Yelp Ads, you need to log in to your Yelp account. You can do this either from the Yelp website or the Yelp app, depending on your preference.


  • Open your preferred web browser and go to the Yelp website (
  • Click on the “Log In” button in the top right corner of the homepage.
  • Enter your Yelp username and password, then click “Log In.”


  • Open the Yelp app on your mobile device.
  • If you’re not already logged in, tap the “Log In” or “Sign In” option.
  • Enter your Yelp credentials and tap “Log In.”

Step 2: Access Your Yelp Ads

Once you’re logged in, you’ll need to access your Yelp Ads. This is where you’ll find the option to cancel your campaign.


  • From the Yelp homepage, click on your profile picture or username in the top right corner.
  • In the dropdown menu, select “Yelp Ads.”


  • Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner to open the menu.
  • Select “Yelp Ads.”

Step 3: Select “End Campaign”

Now that you’re in the Yelp Ads section, you can proceed to cancel your campaign.


  • On the Yelp Ads page, you should see a list of your active campaigns. Locate the campaign you wish to cancel.
  • Click on the campaign to open its details.
  • Look for the “End Campaign” option, usually located near the bottom of the page, and click on it.


  • In the Yelp Ads section, you’ll see a list of your active campaigns. Find the campaign you want to cancel and tap on it to open its details.
  • Look for the “End Campaign” option, which is usually located at the bottom of the page, and tap on it.

Important Tips:

  • Review Your Agreement: Before canceling your Yelp Ads, review your agreement and any associated terms and conditions. Some campaigns may have a minimum commitment period, and canceling prematurely may result in fees or penalties.
  • Consider Alternatives: If you’re unsatisfied with your Yelp Ads, consider discussing your concerns with Yelp’s customer support. They may be able to offer solutions to improve your campaign’s performance or adjust your advertising strategy.
  • Check for Pending Charges: After canceling your campaign, check your billing statements to ensure that there are no pending charges. Yelp may still bill you for any outstanding costs related to your advertising.
  • Keep a Record: Save a copy of the confirmation or receipt that you receive when canceling your Yelp Ads. This can be useful for reference in case of any billing disputes or questions.

Canceling your Yelp Ads online is a straightforward process when you follow these steps. Remember to review your agreement, consider alternatives, and keep track of any pending charges to ensure a smooth cancellation experience. Whether you’re using the Yelp website or the Yelp app, the “End Campaign” option is your key to discontinuing your advertising efforts on the platform.

How to Cancel Yelp Ads by Contract?

If you’re using Yelp’s advertising program to promote your business page and have decided it’s time to cancel your ads, it’s important to understand the terms of your contract before proceeding. Yelp offers different types of contracts, each with its own cancellation policy. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of canceling Yelp ads based on the type of contract you have. We’ll cover non-temporary contracts, paid products, and CPC (Cost-Per-Click) ads, providing examples and important tips along the way.

Step 1: Determine Your Contract Type

The first step in canceling Yelp ads is to identify the type of contract you have. Yelp offers three main types of contracts:

  • Non-temporary contract: With this contract, you have the flexibility to cancel your Yelp ads at any time without waiting for them to expire. This is the easiest type of contract to cancel because you have control over the cancellation timing.
  • Paid Products: These ads have the same expiration date as the cancellation date. This means that when you cancel your Yelp ads under a paid product contract, they will be removed on the same day as the cancellation request.
  • CPC (Cost-Per-Click): If you have CPC ads, canceling them will result in Yelp removing them completely. CPC ads are typically charged based on the number of clicks they receive, so be mindful of the costs associated with canceling these ads.

Step 2: Access Your Yelp Business Account

To initiate the cancellation process, log in to your Yelp Business Account. If you don’t have one, create an account using your business information.

Step 3: Navigate to the Ads Management Section

Once logged in, navigate to the Ads Management section. This is where you can manage and cancel your Yelp ads.

Step 4: Locate the Ads You Want to Cancel

In the Ads Management section, locate the specific ads you wish to cancel. Depending on your contract type, you may need to review the ads that fall under non-temporary contracts, paid products, or CPC ads.

Step 5: Initiate the Cancellation

For Non-Temporary Contracts:

  • Select the non-temporary ads you want to cancel.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm the cancellation. In most cases, you’ll have the option to cancel immediately.

For Paid Products:

  • Find the paid products ads you wish to cancel.
  • Similar to non-temporary ads, follow the on-screen prompts to confirm the cancellation. These ads will typically be removed on the same day as the cancellation request.

For CPC Ads:

  • Locate the CPC ads you want to cancel.
  • Be aware that canceling CPC ads will result in their complete removal from Yelp. Make sure to evaluate the cost implications before proceeding.

Step 6: Confirm Cancellation

After initiating the cancellation process, Yelp will likely ask you to confirm your decision. This step is crucial to prevent accidental cancellations. Review your selections carefully before confirming.

Important Tips and Considerations:

  • Review Your Contract: Before canceling any ads, review your contract to understand the terms, including any potential penalties or obligations.
  • Cost Implications: Take into account any costs associated with canceling ads, especially for CPC ads. Ensure that the benefits of cancellation outweigh the costs.
  • Keep Records: Maintain records of your cancellation request and any confirmation emails or notifications from Yelp. This documentation can be valuable for reference in the future.
  • Billing Adjustments: Depending on your contract, Yelp may make billing adjustments based on the cancellation date. Monitor your billing statements for accuracy.
  • Communication: If you encounter any issues during the cancellation process, don’t hesitate to reach out to Yelp’s customer support for assistance.

By following these steps and considering the type of contract you have, you can successfully cancel your Yelp ads according to your specific needs. Remember to stay informed about the terms and implications of cancellation to make the process as smooth as possible for your business.

How To Cancel Your Non-Term Contract Advertising Yelp Program?

If you’ve been using Yelp for advertising your business and you’re looking to cancel your non-term contract advertising Yelp program, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process. Whether you’re discontinuing a campaign or reevaluating your advertising strategy, it’s essential to know how to cancel your Yelp ads effectively.

Please note that the steps outlined below are based on information available up to January 2022. Be sure to verify any changes on Yelp’s official website before proceeding.

Step 1: Visit Yelp Official Website

  • Start by opening your preferred web browser and going to Yelp’s official website:

Step 2: Log in to your Yelp Account

  • To access your Yelp advertising account, you’ll need to log in. Click the “Log In” button typically located at the top right corner of the page. Enter your Yelp account credentials (username and password) to log in.

Step 3: Navigate to Yelp Business Page

  • After logging in, you will be redirected to your Yelp Business Page. If you have multiple businesses associated with your account, make sure you select the correct one from the list.

Step 4: Go to the “Billing” page

  • In the Yelp Business Page dashboard, locate and click on the “Billing” tab or a similar option, depending on Yelp’s interface at the time. This should take you to the billing and payment settings.

Step 5: Select “Manage” under “Your Products”

  • In the billing section, look for the “Your Products” section. Under “Your Products,” you should see a list of your active advertising campaigns. Click on “Manage” next to the campaign you want to cancel.

Step 6: Tap on the “Cancel” icon beside each campaign you want to cancel

  • On the campaign management page, you’ll see a list of active campaigns. Locate the campaign you wish to cancel, and next to it, you’ll find a “Cancel” icon or button. Click on this icon.

Step 7: Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm your cancellation

  • After clicking the “Cancel” icon, Yelp will typically ask you to confirm your cancellation. Follow the on-screen instructions carefully. Yelp may ask you to provide a reason for canceling, so be prepared to provide that information if prompted.

Step 8: Your Yelp Ads are Canceled!

  • Once you’ve completed the cancellation process and received confirmation, your Yelp advertising campaign should be canceled, and you won’t be billed for future advertising.

Important Tips and Additional Information:

  • Cancellation Policies: Review Yelp’s cancellation policies before proceeding, as there may be fees or terms associated with canceling specific advertising packages.
  • Billing Cycle: Canceling your campaign may not take effect immediately. Be aware of your billing cycle and ensure you cancel before the next billing date to avoid additional charges.
  • Check for Outstanding Balances: Ensure that you have settled any outstanding balances with Yelp before canceling your advertising to prevent any issues.
  • Consider Alternatives: Before canceling completely, consider discussing your advertising needs with Yelp’s customer support. They may offer alternative solutions that better suit your business goals.
  • Regularly Review Your Advertising: Even if you cancel one campaign, periodically review your advertising strategy to adjust and optimize your online presence.

Canceling your non-term contract advertising Yelp program is a straightforward process when you follow these steps. Be sure to read Yelp’s current cancellation policies and stay informed about any changes on their official website. By following these guidelines and tips, you can effectively manage your Yelp advertising campaigns.

FAQs about How To Cancel Yelp Ads?

1. How do I turn off ads on Yelp?

To turn off ads on Yelp, follow these steps:

  • Visit the Billing page of Yelp for Business from the desktop site.
  • Under Your Products, click Manage.
  • Click the Cancel icon next to each paid product or campaign you wish to cancel.
  • Read and follow the prompts to complete your cancellation.

Example: If you no longer want to advertise your restaurant on Yelp, you can cancel the ad campaign by following the steps mentioned above.

2. How do I cancel my Yelp advertising program?

To cancel your Yelp advertising program, you can:

  • Visit the Billing page of Yelp for Business from the desktop site.
  • Under Your Products, click Manage.
  • Click the Cancel icon next to each paid product or campaign you wish to cancel.
  • Read and follow the prompts to complete your cancellation.

Example: If you’ve been running a Yelp Ads campaign for your local business and wish to stop it, use this method to cancel your advertising program.

3. How do I pause Yelp ads on the app?

To pause your non-term contract advertising program on Yelp, follow these steps:

  • Under Your Products, click Manage.
  • Click the Pause icon next to Yelp Ads.
  • Set a date for when your program will automatically restart (you can restart it before this date).
  • Read and follow the prompts to complete the pause.

Example: If you want to temporarily halt your advertising campaign but plan to resume it later, use the pause feature as described.

4. How can I cancel my Yelp account?

To cancel your Yelp account, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Yelp account.
  • Go to the Yelp Account Closure page.
  • Send a request to close your Yelp account.
  • Provide an explanation in the text box regarding why you want to delete your Yelp account.
  • Hit Send to submit your request.

Example: If you no longer want to use Yelp and wish to delete your account, follow the steps provided to initiate the account closure process.

5. How do I cancel my Yelp deal?

To cancel a Yelp Deal, use the following steps:

  • Log in to Yelp for Business.
  • Click Deals & Gift Certificates in the sidebar menu.
  • Click Overview.
  • Click End next to the promotion you want to cancel.

Example: If you offered a Yelp Deal for your spa services and want to discontinue it, follow these steps to remove the deal from your business listing.


  • Always make sure to carefully read and follow the prompts when canceling or pausing ads or deals on Yelp to ensure the process is completed correctly.
  • Provide clear explanations when closing your Yelp account, as this may help in processing your request more smoothly.
  • Be aware of any cancellation fees or terms associated with your Yelp advertising program, especially if you have a contract in place.