How To Cancel Peoplelooker? A Step-By-Step Guide!

How To Cancel Peoplelooker? – PeopleLooker is a popular online service that allows users to search for public information about individuals. While this can be helpful for a variety of reasons, some individuals may prefer to opt out of the service or remove their personal information from PeopleLooker’s database. PeopleLooker is actually owned and managed by BeenVerified, which means that any actions related to canceling a subscription or removing your data must be taken through BeenVerified’s platform. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how to cancel your PeopleLooker subscription and remove your personal information from their database. We will also explore important considerations to keep in mind when going through this process, as well as provide contact information in case you encounter any difficulties.

How To Cancel Peoplelooker

How To Cancel Peoplelooker?

Opting out of PeopleLooker is relatively straightforward, but it requires you to follow a few important steps. Below, we will outline the process in detail.

Step 1: Visit the BeenVerified Opt-Out Page

Since BeenVerified manages PeopleLooker’s data, the first step in the process is to visit the BeenVerified Opt-Out page. This is the official page where you can search for your information and request its removal.

Once you are on the opt-out page, you will be able to begin the process of removing your information from PeopleLooker and BeenVerified.

Step 2: Search for Your Record

On the BeenVerified Opt-Out page, you will need to search for your record in the BeenVerified and PeopleLooker databases. To do this, you will need to enter your first and last name, as well as the state where you reside. This information will allow BeenVerified to search its records and match them to your personal data.

  • Enter your first and last name: Make sure you enter your name exactly as it appears in PeopleLooker’s database.
  • Enter your state: Be sure to enter the correct state in which you live. This is important as there may be multiple individuals with similar names, and the state helps narrow down the search results.

After entering this information, click the “Search” button to proceed with finding your record.

Step 3: Find and Opt-Out of Your Record

Once the search results are generated, you will need to locate your record among the search results. If you find your record, you can proceed to opt out.

  • Locate your record: Carefully browse through the search results to identify your information. Your record will contain details such as your name, age, and location.
  • Click “Proceed to Opt-Out”: Once you find your record, click the “Proceed to Opt-Out” button next to your information to initiate the opt-out process.

At this point, you will be guided through the remaining steps needed to finalize your request.

Step 4: Submit Your Opt-Out Request

After selecting your record, you will need to submit your opt-out request. During this step, you will be required to provide your email address and complete a CAPTCHA to verify that you are not a robot.

  • Enter your email address: This is where you will receive a verification email, so make sure you provide a valid email address.
  • Complete the CAPTCHA: To confirm that you are a human, you will need to complete a CAPTCHA. This is a simple step designed to prevent automated bots from making requests.
  • Click “Send Verification Email”: Once you’ve filled in the required fields, click the button to send the verification email.

Step 5: Verify Your Opt-Out Request

After submitting your opt-out request, you will receive a verification email from BeenVerified. This email will contain a link to confirm that you wish to opt out of PeopleLooker and BeenVerified’s databases.

  • Open the verification email: Check your inbox (and possibly your spam folder) for the verification email from BeenVerified.
  • Click the “Verify Opt-Out” link: Inside the email, you will find a link to verify your opt-out request. Click on this link to finalize the process.

Once you click the verification link, your information will be removed from PeopleLooker and BeenVerified’s databases.

Important Notes and Considerations

Before you proceed with opting out of PeopleLooker and BeenVerified, it’s important to keep in mind a few key points:

  • Opting out removes your information from both platforms: When you opt out of PeopleLooker, your information will also be removed from BeenVerified, as both platforms share the same database.
  • It may take some time: Once you complete the opt-out process, it may take a few days for your information to be fully removed from both platforms.
  • Multiple records: If you find multiple records under your name, you may need to opt out of each one individually.
  • Persistent presence: While opting out removes your information from PeopleLooker and BeenVerified, it does not guarantee complete removal from all data broker sites. You may need to opt out of additional sites to fully protect your privacy.

Opting out of PeopleLooker and removing your personal information from their database is an important step for individuals concerned about privacy and security. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your data is removed from both PeopleLooker and BeenVerified’s databases, giving you more control over your personal information online.

Remember, if you encounter any difficulties during the process, BeenVerified’s customer support team is available to assist you. Whether you need help locating your record or have questions about the opt-out procedure, their team is there to provide guidance.

By taking these steps, you can protect your privacy and ensure that your personal information is not publicly accessible through PeopleLooker or BeenVerified.