How To Cancel Hers Subscription? A Step-by-Step Guide!

How To Cancel Hers Subscription? Are you a Hers subscriber looking for a straightforward way to cancel subscription? Perhaps you’ve explored the idea of ending your Hers Subscription but feel overwhelmed by the process. Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’re going to guide you through the seamless journey of cancel Hers Subscription. No more hidden fees, no more hassle – just clear, actionable steps to regain control over your subscription.

How To Cancel Hers Subscription

Hers, the popular health and wellness subscription service, has gained a massive following for its convenient and personalized approach to women’s healthcare. But circumstances change, and so do your needs. Whether it’s a shift in your health goals, a tight budget, or simply a desire to try something new, cancel Hers Subscription should be a breeze. We understand that navigating the intricacies of subscription management can be daunting, which is why we’ve created this comprehensive guide to ease your worries. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to cancel Hers Subscription without a hitch.

Imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing you can make changes to your Hers Subscription whenever you want, hassle-free. No more anxiety about hidden terms and conditions or navigating a labyrinth of customer service lines. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge you need to take control of your subscription, giving you the flexibility to make decisions that align with your current circumstances and goals. By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll be ready and eager to follow the simple steps to cancel Hers Subscription and enjoy the newfound freedom it brings.

So, if you’re ready to discover how to cancel Hers Subscription with ease, let’s dive into the step-by-step process and empower you to take action towards your subscription management goals.

How to Cancel Hers Subscription via Calling?

If you’ve decided to discontinue your subscription with Hers and are looking for a way to cancel it, you can do so by calling their customer support at 1-800-368-0038. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of cancel Hers subscription over the phone, including important tips and additional information to make the process smoother.

Step 1: Gather Relevant Information and Documentation

Before you dial the cancellation number, it’s crucial to have all the necessary information and documentation ready. This may include your account details, subscription ID, payment information, and any other relevant documents that Hers may require during the cancellation process. Having everything prepared in advance will save you time and ensure a seamless cancellation process.

Step 2: Dial 1-800-368-0038

Once you have all the necessary information ready, pick up your phone and dial Hers’ cancellation number: 1-800-368-0038. Ensure that you are in a quiet and comfortable environment where you can have a conversation without distractions.

Step 3: Navigate Through Automated Prompts

When you call the provided number, you will likely encounter automated prompts. Follow the instructions provided by the automated system to connect with a real-time customer support representative. Be patient and listen carefully to the options presented to ensure you select the appropriate one for cancel subscription.

Step 4: Speak to a Customer Support Representative

After navigating through the automated prompts, you will be connected to a live customer support representative. This is the person who can assist you with cancel Hers subscription. Politely explain your intention to cancel and be prepared to provide the necessary information, such as your account details, subscription ID, and reason for cancellation.

Step 5: Provide Required Information

The customer support representative will likely ask you to verify your identity and gather some information related to your subscription. Be ready to provide this information accurately and promptly. It may include your full name, account details, and any other details specific to your Hers subscription.

Step 6: Request Cancellation

Clearly express your desire to cancel Hers subscription to the customer support representative. You might need to specify the effective date for the cancellation or provide any additional information they require to process your request. Be firm but polite during this conversation.

Step 7: Confirm the Cancellation

Once you have completed the cancellation request, ask the customer support representative to confirm the cancellation process’s details. Double-check the effective date and any associated charges or fees. This ensures there are no misunderstandings and that the cancellation process is proceeding as expected.

Step 8: Follow Up

After the call, it’s advisable to check your email or any communication from Hers to confirm the cancellation details and keep a record of the cancellation confirmation for your records.

Important Tips:

  • Be patient and courteous when speaking to the customer support representative. They are there to assist you.
  • Double-check the terms and conditions of your Hers subscription to understand any cancellation policies or fees that may apply.
  • Make note of the date and time of your cancellation call and the name of the representative you spoke with for reference.
  • Review your bank or credit card statements to ensure that you are no longer being charged for your Hers subscription after cancellation.

In conclusion, canceling your Hers subscription via phone is a straightforward process, but it’s essential to be prepared and follow these steps carefully. By having all the necessary information on hand and communicating clearly with the customer support representative, you can successfully end your subscription with Hers.

How to Cancel Hers Subscription via Email?

Hers offers a convenient way for customers to cancel their monthly subscription via email. This guide will walk you through the process, offering tips and important information to ensure a smooth cancellation experience.

Step 1: Compose a Formal Email

Start by opening your email client and composing a formal email to [email protected]. When writing your email, keep the following tips in mind:


Subject: Cancel My Subscription

Dear Hers Customer Support Team,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request the cancellation of my subscription with Hers. I have thoroughly enjoyed your products and services, but I have decided to discontinue my subscription for the following reasons:

Step 2: Provide Relevant Reasons

In the body of the email, clearly and concisely state the reasons for canceling your subscription. Providing feedback can help Hers improve its offerings and customer experience.


- I have recently switched to a different skincare regimen.
- Financial constraints require me to reduce my monthly expenses.
- I am temporarily relocating and won't be able to receive shipments.

Step 3: Include Necessary Information

Include your personal information, address, and subscription details to help the Hers team locate your account and process the cancellation.


- Full Name: [Your Full Name]
- Address: [Your Complete Address]
- Email Address: [Your Email Address]
- Phone Number: [Your Phone Number]
- Subscription ID: [Your Subscription ID or Account Number]

Step 4: Request Confirmation

Wrap up your email by politely requesting a confirmation email from Hers to ensure that your subscription cancellation has been processed successfully.


I kindly request a confirmation email once my subscription cancellation has been processed. Please let me know if you require any additional information from my end to expedite this process.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

[Your Full Name]

Step 5: Proofread and Send

Before hitting the “Send” button, take a moment to proofread your email to ensure accuracy and professionalism. Double-check that you have provided all the necessary information and that your reasons for cancellation are clear.

Tips and Additional Information:

  • Be polite and respectful in your email. A courteous approach is more likely to result in a smooth cancellation process.
  • Keep a record of your email for your reference. This includes both the email you send and any confirmation email you receive from Hers.
  • Allow some time for Hers to process your cancellation request. They may require a few business days to complete the process.
  • If you do not receive a confirmation email within a reasonable timeframe, consider following up with Hers to ensure your cancellation has been processed.

Cancelling your Hers subscription via email is a straightforward process when you follow these steps. By providing clear and concise information, you can ensure a hassle-free cancellation experience while maintaining a respectful and professional tone in your communication with Hers customer support.